Four Little-Known Pet Safety Tips For The Holidays

The holiday season brings on many changes in your pet's home life. For this reason, it's important to implement new safety tips so that you can be sure your pet is kept safe with these small life changes during this time of year. Here are four little-known pet safety tips for the holidays:

  1. Put Trash Where Pets Can't Find It: Any trash can that can easily be knocked over or one that can be dug through because it's short needs to be kept somewhere else. A heavy metal trash can that is tall and has a lid is ideal. However, you can also keep the trash out of reach of your pet by placing it in an enclosed space, such as underneath the sink. You may also consider getting a pet gate to keep your pet out of the kitchen so that they aren't eating anything that falls on the floor or attempting to jump up on the counters or get into any trash. 
  2. ​Be Mindful of Plants: You are probably going to want to add some decorative plants to your home. You need to be sure that you are mindful of whether or not these plants pose a problem for your pet. Many pets, especially cats, like to chew on plants, so they need to be kept safe. Some plants are toxic, such as baby's breath, hydrangeas, and even a few types of ferns. Always look into this before purchasing a new decorative plant for the home. 
  3. ​Put the Poison Control Line of the Fridge: Just in case, it's important to put the poison control line on the fridge so that you know who to call in case your pet is showing any signs of possible poisoning. This includes vomiting, diarrhea, or significant behavioral changes. You can find this number through your vet, or your vet may have another emergency number that is direct through their clinic for you to call. 
  4. Be Mindful of Other Holiday Decorations: Aside from plants, you have to know what other kinds of decorations can present a problem for your pets. For example, every year, many cats burn their tails on candles, so be sure that if you have a cat, candles are only put in places where your cat cannot reach them. You also want to be aware of pine cone decorations, since pets like to chew on these, which can cause digestive issues. 

When you consider these four little-known pet safety tips for the holidays, you can keep your pets happy and healthy, even during this more stressful time of year. For additional advice, contact a veterinary clinic like Healthy Paws Veterinary Hospital & Housecalls.
