3 Potential Problems With Letting Your Pet's Fur Become Matted

If you're like most lucky people who have opened up your heart and home to a dog or cat with long, fluffy fur, you probably take pride in your pet's appearance when it's freshly groomed. However, if you're as busy as most people are these days with work and family obligations, keeping your pet well-groomed may be near the bottom of your list when it comes to prioritizing routine activities. This can lead to matting, and while many people believe that matted fur is merely a cosmetic issue that won't harm pets, that is not the case.

5 Reasons To Take Your Dog To The Vet

Having a dog as your pet is sure to bring you a great deal of happiness. Getting unconditional love from this animal can make any day a better one. The good news is you can address medical issues and work to keep your dog healthier in the process. Knowing reasons to take your dog to the vet may be helpful to you. Reason #1: Seizures The last thing you may want to see is your dog having a seizure.

4 Things To Know About Acupuncture For Your Pet

Alternative medicine is not just for people; alternative medicine can be a useful way to treat your pets as well. One form of alternative medicine that your pets can use is acupuncture. How It Works Acupuncture with animals is very similar to acupuncture with humans. Special acupuncture needles are inserted into specific points on your animal's body. These points on your animal's body are pre-determined acupuncture points on your animal's body that line up with specific blood vessels, muscles, and energy fields.

3 Christmas Tree Safety Tips For Your Pet

Decorating the house is one of the fun parts of the Christmas season, and of course, the centerpiece of your Christmas décor is the Christmas tree. But when you have pets, it's important to consider their safety when you put up your Christmas tree. Pet owners often worry about their pets knocking over the tree and damaging ornaments or the tree itself, but you may not realize the dangers the tree poses to your pet.

Help Your New Pet Cat Accustom To Their Surroundings

If you recently adopted a cat from an animal hospital and the clinician who helped you fill out paperwork required to acquire ownership of the animal told that the cat was often secluded in their previous home and wasn't offered much companionship, resulting in the animal acting nervous when around people, you may be concerned about the pet adapting to your household. Use the tips below to help your pet grow accustomed to their new surroundings so that they remain content and comfortable.